رنگینه فلورسنتی
Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) diagnostics and high- speed, real-time digital image acquisition techniques are combined to map the composition field in a water mixing layer.1 A fluorescent dye, which is premixed with the low- speed freestream fluid and dilutes by mixing with the high- speed fluid, is used to monitor the relative concentration of high-speed to low-speed fluid in the layer.
This work investigates the development and breakdown of the vortex structure behind a circular disk that is nearly impulsively started and subsequently moved at a constant speed.1 Figure 1 shows an oblique view of the axisymmet- ric vortex that develops initially: this visualization is obtained by fluorescent dye and a UV light.
The fluorescence dye, illuminated by a laser, shows that the near wake comprises an interac- tion between the primary streamwise vortex pair with the "braid" wake vortices between the pair.1,2 Far downstream
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